Historians will be debating the 2016 election for years to come. Every day, self-proclaimed experts flood editorial pages, blogs, and Twitter feeds with their versions of what happened and why, and no two ever seem to agree. But as the dust settles, one fact has emerged loud and clear: if the Democratic Party is to remain relevant in American politics, we must return to our traditional, core philosophy. And the guiding principle of that philosophy boils down to a single word: FAIRNESS.  

We believe that our government's purpose is not to advance any individual or group over any other, but to establish one set of rules that everybody plays by.



The Democratic party stands for fair elections, in which our sacred principal of one person, one vote is protected from intimidation or undue influence from inside or outside the country; fair taxation, where all Americans contribute to a stronger nation for themselves and their children, not to lining the pockets of the uppermost class who rigged the system; and fair pay for the American workers who build our country and keep it running. 

In the days and weeks to come we'll be proposing bold new ideas to restore fairness in the workplace, the classroom, the marketplace, the voting booth, and in every aspect of American life that touches everyday working families. But for the moment let's focus on creating -- 



Technology and globalization are rapidly changing the ways we live, work, save, and spend. So instead of endlessly making empty promises to return to a "great" past (which in some ways was advantageous for the few, but not the many ), our Party is committed to creating a great future.  

One thing we learned from the recent elections is that many working families believe the rules of our economy are rigged against them . . . and they're right. Special interests, lobbyists, and corporations avoid paying their fair share of taxes while spending vast amounts of cash to influence our elections. As a result, the economy doesn't work the way it should: the rich get richer while the rest can't keep up with the basic costs of living

This is the fundamental contrast between Democrats and Republicans: we believe the best way to expand the economy is to grow and strengthen the middle class; they consistently return to the failed trickle-down economics of the past. For far too long, government has tilted the economic playing field in favor of the rich. No more!


Today, Democrats are offering A Fair Deal that focuses on three goals: 

1.     Raise the wages and incomes of American workers and create millions of good-paying, full-time jobs by directly investing in our crumbling infrastructure and helping small businesses, instead of giving further tax breaks to corporate interests. We pledge to crack down on unfair foreign trade and fight back against corporations that outsource American jobs. We'll fight to ensure a living wage for all Americans. And we'll make sure our government honors its deal with millions of workers who earned a pension, Social Security and Medicare, so that seniors can retire with dignity. 


2.    Lower the costs of living by reducing the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs, as well as the cost of a college or technical education. We'll fight for families struggling to pay for child care, housing, food, and clothing. We'll enforce regulations that keep credit card fees and cable and utility bills in check. We'll crack down on monopolies and reduce the concentration of economic power that has led to higher prices for consumers, workers, and small business – and make sure Wall Street never endangers Main Street again. 


3.    Build an economy that gives working Americans the tools to succeed in the 21st Century. Americans deserve the opportunity to build the skills, tools, and knowledge it takes to find a good-paying job or to move up in their career. Instead of wringing our hands over a bygone era that's never coming back, we'll pave the way to the future. We'll provide tax incentives to employers that invest in workforce training and education, and support companies that focus on long-term growth instead of short-term profits and golden parachutes for their CEOs. We'll make it a national priority to bring high-speed Internet to every corner of America, and offer apprenticeships to millions of new workers in both established and emerging industries. And we'll invest in innovation and advanced research so that start-ups and small businesses can compete and prosper. 


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America deserves A Fair Deal that puts our government back to work for the entire  country, not just the elites and special interests.   

Innovation, optimism, tenacity, and our uniquely can-do spirit are what made America great and what keeps it great. But those qualities won't survive long in an environment of increasing lawlessness that allows the most powerful interests to thrive at the expense of the rest of us. We must protect our families, our workers, our thinkers, our dreamers, and entrepreneurs from the predators that unfairly put their self-interest above our national interest. 

In order to be a great country, America needs to be a fair country. The Democratic Party has long dedicated itself to this principle. We re-dedicate ourselves to it, now and always.


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